2025 Dates
Saturday 1st of March, 10am - 4pm
Saturday 5th of April, 10am - 4pm
Saturday 3rd of May, 10am - 4pm
Saturday 7th of June, 10am - 4pm
Saturday 5th of July, 10am - 4pm
Saturday 2nd of August, 10am - 4pm
Saturday 6th of September, 10am - 4pm
Saturday 4th of October, 10am - 4pm
Saturday 1st of November, 10am - 4pm
Then stay tuned for news of the Christmas Market Tour!
What to expect...
With around 50 of the wonderful small, local & indie makers, designers, producers, creators and curators of contemporary craft, art & design, sustainable home, fashion & lifestyle wares, vintage finds and artisan food & drink it's not to be missed. Alongside the Market visitors can enjoy live music, creative sessions, local resident business specials and community connections.
Trader Headlines:
After a series of successful trial Markets in 2023 the BIG Newquay Market returned as a regular monthly destination Market from 2024.
From the Spring we run the regular date of the first Saturday of the month from March through to November with added specials for Christmas.
On BIG Newquay Market days across 2024 footfall was recorded (using HUQ) at between 16.5 and 45k daily visitors across the town centre. Market days show a significant uplift in visitor numbers (from double to almost four times the visitor numbers compared to non-Market days in 2023) suggesting that many of those visitors are coming specifically to visit the Market.
The BIG Newquay Market is supported by full promotional programme including dedicated website pages on all partner websites, additional free and paid for online listings, seasonal press releases, monthly outdoor print banners, posters and flyers, monthly email features to a database of 2.5k, dedicated social posts to over 28.6k (cumulative) Instagram users and 49.4k (cumulative) Facebook users. Additionally, all traders are provided with digital trader badges and a social post and are expected to promote on their own platforms.
The BIG Newquay Market is supported by an Online Market which features all market traders across the Market weekend. It includes an introduction to your business and links to (if applicable) your preferred online shopping site and social media.
Logistics & Charges:
The Market is open from 10am-4pm and set up is from 8am.
The Market usually takes place across the majority pedestrianised section of Bank Street and, just moments away, overlooking the sea on the grass at the Killacourt.
Vehicle unload access is generally between 50- 100 metres from stand location. The nature of your stock is taken into account when siting you.
Stands are all £52 and have a 3 metre frontage by 2 metre depth in a heavy duty, pre-set up and secured / weighted white gazebo. Some gazebos are arranged in a terraced block and where this is the case sides will only be used on the end of a gazebo run. Some gazebos are arranged back-to-back with another gazebo and where this is the case backs won't be used.
If you have a credit with Cornwall Shop Small from a Newquay Market it will be applied to any successful application booking invoice.
Tables (standard 180 x 60cm) are available for an additional £3 per event. Please choose the relevant stand option on your application.
Access to on stand electricity is very limited. If access to on stand electricity is essential it can, in some circumstances, be provided for an additional cost of £10 per event / event day. Please choose the relevant stand option on your application but please bear in mind that if you choose to only apply for a stand with electricity access it might affect the success of your application. Please note that the supply is not suitable for high load items - ambient lighting and personal / payment device charging only. For other loads please email hello@cornwallshopsmall.co.uk with load information to be considered alongside your application.
Full set up info and stand locations will be shared with successful applicants in the week leading up to the event.
All successful Market applicants will need to be a part of the Cornwall Shop Small Directory, please note that additional fees may apply, see below for the breakdown. This aligns our real life events and online presence and creates something even more special with an even bigger reach. Find out more about it HERE.
If you are a successful applicant who has not previously been, or is not currently, a Directory member an additional fee of £12 set up plus £1 a full month through to end of January 2026 will be due before trading at the Market - this will cover your Directory fee for the year. Future year renewals will be at the lower renewal rate.
If you are a successful applicant who has previously been a Directory member but are yet to renew an additional £1 a full month through to end of January 2026 will be due before trading at the Market - this will cover your Directory renewal for the year.
If you are a successful applicant who is a current Directory member who has renewed there will be no additional charge.
If you are an applicant via Newquay Farmers Market (produce only) joining the Directory is optional.
Before You Apply:
By submitting an application you are confirming that, if your application is successful, you agree to our full BIG Newquay Market Terms HERE.
Applications generally close 3 weeks before an event or when an event is full if this is earlier.
You will be notified by email regarding your application status within 1 week of the application close at the latest however we will will endeavour to respond with your application at least 4 weeks before an event and earlier where possible.
We use a full range of criteria when curating the BIG Newquay Market line up. Head HERE for a list of WHAT WE LOOK FOR - it's an essential read before you apply to make sure you don't waste your valuable time. You might want to add detail into your stall holder profile on the application system that you think will support your application within these considerations.
Please note that stands for street food / drink traders and traders of food /drink primarily for on-site consumption are NOT available at the BIG Newquay Market due to local partner restrictions.
Please note that further feedback on unsuccessful applications is not provided, other than what is linked here and provided in the application status email.
We pride ourself on a warm welcome and supportive environment, find out more about WHAT WE OFFER HERE.​
Where an application is successful a stand invoice will be issued shortly after an application is confirmed as successful and within 3 days.
Your invoice will include your stand charge, any applied for charged additional items (table, elec. etc.) where available and any additional Directory listing fees where applicable.
Payment is due within 7 days of invoice to confirm your stand. Your stand is not confirmed until payment has been made and if you do not make payment by the invoice deadline you will lose your stand unless by prior to deadline written agreement via email at hello@cornwallshopsmall.co.uk.
Hit the link below to be taken to our NEW application management system, Eventaly. If you haven't used Eventaly before you'll be asked to set up a quick participant (stallholder) profile. The great news is that once you have set up your profile you can use it to apply to trade at all relevant Cornwall Shop Small events (where applications are open) now and in the future. You will just choose the events, dates and stand types you're interested in and with one click your applications will be submitted (no more having to fill out multiple forms for different dates and Cornwall Shop Small events!). You'll also be emailed your stand invoice and any trader information via the system and be able to check back and review it at any time. Amazing!
The Eventaly system is fairly new and they are building in extra functionality all the time, if you have any feedback on the system I would love to hear it and pass it on so it can be put forward for future developments.
BIG Newquay Market Terms:
​​By submitting an application you are confirming that, if your application is successful, you agree to our full BIG Newquay Market Terms below.
Where the below states 'Cornwall Shop Small' or 'we' it includes Cornwall Shop Small, our market partners and our contractors.
All traders must apply using the relevant Trader Application form on our application management platform Eventaly, linked above.
Submitting an application and meeting our criteria does not guarantee you a pitch. We allocate pitches according to how closely applications meet our criteria and we look to create a balance of products across each market.
Applications generally close 3 weeks before an event or when an event is full if this is earlier.
You will be notified by email regarding your application status within 1 week of the application close at the latest however we will will endeavour to respond with your application at least 4 weeks before an event and earlier where possible.
Where an application is unsuccessful no feedback beyond the information in the status email can be provided.
We reserve the right to invite any trader of our choosing to an event. While our events are curated with category balance and product competition in mind we do not accept any liability for any product or brand similarities.
While we don't have legal or IP expertise or the capacity to regulate this we will take complaints of plagiarism seriously. Legal rulings on plagiarism will be upheld (in our Market curation) where the information is shared with us. Aside from that our decision will be informed by a judgement of the provided evidence from the relevant parties.
Applicants and successful traders are responsible for checking their email and junk folder for all communications. We do not accept liability for any missed email communications, it is your responsibility to check your junk folder and to inform us if you believe you are missing any communications.
You may not trade without permission.
Full set up notes will be shared with successful applicants and these set up notes must be adhered to including information on vehicle access times, routes, speeds and any safety regulations. Stand locations are non negotiable and may change right up until event open.
You must be ready to trade by Market opening time and must remain open for trade until the end of the market, unless otherwise instructed by the Market Team.
You can only sell products from the category detailed in your application. Any changes to your stock after applications have been approved must first be cleared with Cornwall Shop Small by email on hello@cornwallshopsmall.co.uk.
Any food, goods or services offered for sale to the public must be legal. e.g. you may not sell pirated copyrighted materials, age controlled items, potential weapons or other items which the Market Team deem inappropriate, e.g. material that may incite racial or sexual hatred. We reserve the right to revoke your place at the market immediately, without refund, if we believe your products do not adhere to these requirements.
Any food, goods or services offered for sale to the public must not present a hazard to the trader, event staff or the public. By taking part in our market, you take full responsibility for ensuring your products adhere to any legal requirements that may apply. If it is deemed that your products do not meet these requirements you may be asked to cease trading and leave and will not be refunded.
Traders are liable for any damage, injury or other incident caused by stock or equipment on their stall. Traders must ensure that their stall and/or set up is safe to use on market day.
Cornwall Shop Small is not involved in the transaction between you, the trader, and the buyer at any of our in real life events, pop ups or through the Online Directory. Any purchase, return or exchange of a product is made directly with the buyer.
Cornwall Shop Small take no responsibility for any equipment we supply to any trader; all equipment including tables need to be checked over by the trader before they are used. If a stallholder has any safety concerns about any of the equipment supplied these need to be raised immediately, on market day.
Cornwall Shop Small may take videos and photographs at the events for the purpose of promoting our events, the directory or other work. By attending an event you are giving consent to appear in these images or videos.
If you act inappropriately or disrespectfully towards any of the Cornwall Shop Small team, our market partners, contractors, other traders, event visitors or members of the public we reserve the right to ask you to leave the event and you will not be refunded.
Most of our events include food and drink traders and other products that may include allergens or ingredients that could cause an allergic reaction. It is your responsibility to alert us, other traders and members of the public to any allergies you have, and to take the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe.
Wifi access is not provided as standard so please make sure you have the ability to hot spot from your phone or device if you need internet access. Where wifi is included in your stand charge it will be noted on the relevant event page but please note that Cornwall Shop Small does not accept any liability for the result of internet loss.
Traders must have and carry with them public, and if relevant, product and employers liability insurance while trading at the market. Public Liability should be no less than £2 million for all traders, £3 million for traders of consumables and £5 million for traders who cook or heat food on their stand (not applicable in Newquay).
It's recommended that you complete your own risk assessment to help you identify any issues and seek expert advice about the level and type of insurances your business requires beyond our criteria.
A copy of your PL might be requested at any point during set up or trading so please make sure you have a paper or digital copy accessible. Without this, you may not be permitted to trade.
By agreeing to the trader terms when you apply you are confirming that you have the relevant insurances.
Traders agree to indemnify Cornwall Shop Small and its’ affiliates and their partners, officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, contractors and volunteers, from and against any and all damages, claims, losses, demands, costs, expenses (including professional fees and costs) suffered or incurred directly or indirectly.
Cornwall Shop Small take no responsibility for any loss or damage to your stock on the day of the market, including damage, theft or stock loss caused by customers or equipment. Any claims need to be made through your own insurance.
Where an application is successful a stand invoice will be issued shortly after an application is confirmed as successful and within 3 days.
Your invoice will include your stand charge, any applied for charged additional items (table, elec etc.) where available and any additional Directory listing fees where applicable.
Payment is due within 7 days of invoice to confirm your stand. Your stand is not confirmed until payment has been made and if you do not make payment by the invoice deadline you will lose your stand unless by prior to deadline written agreement via email at hello@cornwallshopsmall.co.uk.
Payments must be made via the invoice link which will be emailed to you.
Should you no longer be able to take part, simply cancel your place on the 'Your Applications' link from the applications dashboard on our application management system, Eventaly, which will free up the space for another trader. It’s essential you do let us know if this is the case.
If cancellation occurs before payment nothing is payable.
If cancellation occurs after payment and it is at least 3 weeks before the IRL event we will do our best to fill your stand with someone from the waitlist and if we can do this we will roll your stand payment onto a future mutually agreeable event at the same event series, there will be a £10 admin fee for this taken from your stand payment credit.
If cancellation occurs within 3 weeks of the IRL event payment you may be liable for full stand payment however circumstances will be considered.
If there is a trader 'no show' you are liable for your full stand payment.
If you have a credit with Cornwall Shop Small it will be applied to any successful application booking invoice but any use of credits will be treated in line with the terms above so as a payment according to the deadlines above.
The BIG Newquay Market is an outdoor market which uses temporary structures and is therefore vulnerable to forecasted severe weather and other incidences of Force Majeure which may render it unsafe to operate the event.
The IRL Market takes place in (supplied, pre erected & weighted) heavy duty gazebos that are signed off to up to 45 mph.
If the weather forecast details severe weather and/or wind speeds above the tolerance level for our structures then the market cannot go ahead and will be cancelled on the advice of the local Meteorological Office and/or the local authorities or emergency services.
It's also appreciated that your wares might be unsuitable for trading in significant winds or rain. With this in mind if winds over 30mph (not including gusts) or wind over 25mph with rain (not including showers) are forecast (local Met Office) cancellation of the IRL Market will be considered. We will NOT cancel an event due to forecast rain alone. Wind direction can play a big part in this decision.
A decision will be made with Newquay Farmers Market, Newquay BID and Newquay Council.
Traders will be informed of any weather related cancellations as early as possible (bearing in mind the changeability of the local forecast) and by 5.30pm the day before the Market at the latest. In the event that a Market has to be cancelled for any other reason beyond our control traders will be informed as soon as possible.
Cancellation information will be shared with relevant traders via email in the first instance so traders are required to regularly check their email for updates.
Cornwall Shop Small and its’ affiliates and their partners, officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, contractors and volunteers are not liable for any costs incurred by traders due to a cancellation – traders should organise their own insurance policy to cover this.
In the event of a Market cancellation due to adverse weather or other Force Majeure all traders will be offered a stand at a future mutually agreeable event.
The online element of the Market will still take place and a portion of the stand payment of £10 will still be relevant so the remaining balance (stand fee - £10) will be moved as a credit to a future Newquay Market booking.
All stands must be well presented, well secured and laid out with trader and public safety in mind. The Market team can request the removal of any items that do not meet this criteria and failure to comply may lead to you not being able to trader at future events.
All stand set ups must be within the confines of your stand space and that you must layout your stand to allow access for you / any stand help from the front.
The outdoor nature of the Market means that certain types of signage, such a pop up banners and flags, may not be suitable for use and is at the discretion of the Market team.
Please note that traders are not permitted to smoke within the market vicinity, this includes in front of or behind any of the stands.
Pets and children (under 18) should only be behind your stand with prior permission, proper supervision and absolutely no under 18s or pets are allowed on site during set up and take down.
All traders must be polite and professional in their dealings with each other, the Market team and public at all times, any complaints will be investigated and could lead to you not being able to trade at future events. This extends to everyone involved in Newquay Farmers Market who we collaborate with for the BIG Newquay Market.
All traders must comply with all city & county council requirements and national legislation regarding trading standards, health & safety and the labelling of any products where relevant.
You can find some basic gov guidance on labelling for certain products HERE. It is the traders responsibility to label their products correctly where required.
All electrical equipment plugged in anywhere at the Market must be less than one year old from purchase with proof of purchase date OR have been PAT tested with certification within 1 year. Proof of this might be requested at any point during set up or trading so please make sure you have a paper or digital copy accessible.
Any food or drink traders will need to make sure they have the relevant Food, Health and Hygiene Certs in place to satisfy their trading requirements as set out by the Council. Food Hygiene Certs must be 4* and above.
Food/drink ingredients must be listed when made up of more than one item and clear allergen information should be available. Traders must adhere to the Natasha’s Law requirements for pre-packaged food – more information can be found HERE.
Where food is unpackaged or packaged on site at least one trader per stand of all food products needs Health & Hygiene level 2 certificate, to be within 3 years. All other on stand help should have training and ongoing guidance / supervision from the certificated trader.
Traders of food and drink products that is unpackaged or packaged on site or is for on site consumption need to be registered with Cornwall Council Environmental Health Dept. and follow their guidance.
Traders of alcohol or alcohol based products must have their own personal license and need to apply for a Temporary Events Notification for the real life Market day(s). Applications can be made at HERE. Email hello@cornwallshopsmall.co.uk to request location details for your TEN application.
The license will need to be on display at all times during the market and you won’t be able to sell alcohol without it. The person whose name it is in will hold accountability for all alcohol sales i.e. ensuring the person is of age and asking for ID.
Alcohol traders providing on site consumption sales must display clear signage to instruct customers to consume alcohol within the vicinity of their pitch or a pre designated and agreed area. Not relevant for the BIG Newquay Market as alcohol for on site consumption traders can't be welcomed.
Traders using gas for heating / cooking food must have any equipment covered by a current gas safety certificate and perform their own manual inspection before use. Not relevant for the BIG Newquay Market as street food traders can't be welcomed.
Traders are responsible for removing ALL waste that their activities generate. This includes all food waste, packaging, unsold stock etc.
Traders must provide litter bins where sales will result in public rubbish.
Traders must clear up and remove from site ALL waste generated by their pitch after the event.
You must not place any waste in the street, city centre bins or commercial bins. The pitch must be left as found.
Note that the trader will be held responsible for any cost incurred by the event organiser in returning the pitch to the state it was found. Traders will be charged if you are found to have left any waste at the market.
Street Food or Drink traders must mitigate against spillages by covering the ground of their pitch with suitable flooring (non slip / trip and non-permeable covering the whole area and have a suitable spill kit, to ensure the ground is left as found. Not relevant for the BIG Newquay Market as street food traders can't be welcomed.
Any stains or damage to the ground or pitch area at the end of the day will need to be removed at the Traders cost and will carry the risk of not being able to trade with us again.
Street Food/drink traders must not dispose of any fats or oils on site. Traders must make provision for removal of used fats and oils from their pitch area at the end of the day. We encourage all traders to ensure that they dispose of waste oils responsibly. Not relevant for the BIG Newquay Market as street food traders can't be welcomed.