Greetings & Stationery
Explore stationery & greetings cards from some of Cornwall's amazing artists & designers. Meet them, explore their wonderful wares and hop across to shop and get social.
Claire Paul Illustration
Claire is a Scottish illustrator based in Cornwall, creating colourful giftware and stationery designed to bring joy and a little nostalgia into everyday life. Inspired by nature, vintage design, and decorative patterns with a touch of folk art charm, her work weaves together rural scenes, delicate florals, and thoughtful colour palettes.
Lu Cornish
Soulful design that speaks to the wildness that lives inside you. Empowering feminist art that celebrates the magic, folklore and joy of the ocean. Eco-conscious and ethical Lu's shop includes vivid, rich art prints, greetings cards, desk pads and planners, calendars, stickers, badges, pins, earrings, patches and more.
Hannah Wisdom Textiles
Hannah creates her unique coastal themed textile art by sewing onto old discarded sea charts, to celebrate our fabulous marine wildlife, landmarks, history and culture, and the old sea charts connect us with our favourite places. The designs are also available printed onto a curated range of quality home and gift items. Visit Hannah at her unit in Western Hangar in Plymouth.